今天注册 for classes at 中国澳门博彩官网 to make sure you have a schedule that works for you. We offer several sessions, including accelerated terms. Enrollment is on-going with classes starting in May, June, August, September and October.
Dates and information for upcoming terms
- 夏天4 (5周)6月18日- 7月18日
- 秋季主要 (15 weeks) August 26 - December 13
- 下降2 (11 weeks) September 23 - December 13
- 落 (7周)8月24日至10月12日
- 降B (7 weeks) October 16 - December 13
- 步骤1: 访问您的程序检查表. Download and print the curriculum guide for your program. This is your roadmap to your degree and on-time graduation.
- 步骤2: 登录my中国澳门博彩官网 > Everyday Tools > Self Service. Review your Advising Summary which will tell you what courses you have completed and what courses you still need to take.
- 步骤3: In Self Service, select 步骤3: 注册. 搜索 for course offerings, add them to your plan and register.
请注意: PLANNED courses will appear in yellow. 已注册课程载于 绿色.
If you have problems accessing the site or if you encounter any technical difficulties, please contact the IT Help Desk at helpdesk@wlzcsd.com 或到Berks Hall 411.
If you have specific questions about what courses to take or require assistance with registration, please visit the 学生成功中心 in Berks Hall 209
Guides for Self-Service and Student Planning
Student Instructional guides to review program requirements, plan courses and schedules and register for classes.
- The Quick Start student guide to course planning and registration through Self-Service - PDF
- Course planning and registration guide for students - PDF
- Student planning frequently asked questions - PDF
Are you enrolled full-time at another school and looking to stay on track by getting some general education classes out of the way? 我们也可以帮你. Enroll at 中国澳门博彩官网 as a guest student and transfer your credits to your main institution.
If unsure of what courses you need, the following resources may help:
If you receive an error message that is preventing registration, please contact the Record's Office in B107 / 610-607-6243 or the 学生成功中心 in B-209 / 610-607-6245.